Sunday, January 18, 2009

Self introduction - Yen Ying

Hello everyone, this is my first time to write “Myself” in my University Life, it is because of the E-commerce assignment. Firstly, my name is Lee Yen Ying and you can call me “Mei Mei” because I have a twin sister who is my elder sister, so all of my friends used to call us as “Jie Jie” and “Mei Mei”. I almost close to 21 years old and I am taking the course of Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman which is my last year in UTAR. (Wear purple colour shirt is me!! @@)

My hobbies are swimming, playing badminton and online to chat with my friends and to visit some websites. When I have leisure time, I will find my younger sister or mum to play badminton with me. And sometime I will MSN with my secondary friends to keep contact, so my MSN email is (who want to know me, you can add me… hehe^^).

The Top 5 websites that I prefer to visit are:

  1. I like to visit Facebook because there have many things can play and learn. But, the most activity that I play in Facebook is Pet Society because I have adopt a pet there, so everyday I will login in to take care of her and decorate her living place.

  2. I like to visit Hotmail because I need to check mail that sent by my friends everyday. And sometime I will receive important mails from lecturers or tutors, therefore I need to check my mail box often.
  3. This website allows me to download my favorite Taiwanese drama. Although I visit this website once a week, but I also enjoy surfing it because I can download a lot of movies in this page that I prefer.

  4. This website enable me to play games when I feel bored in studies or to spend my time if I have leisure time.

  5. This website can let me listen any songs without any restriction. I could update myself with those latest songs that released.

The top 5 internet activities are same as my top 5 websites’ reason, but the most internet activity is MSN because it can help me to keep contact with my friends. Lastly, I also like blogging in my personal blog.